Saturday, June 18, 2011

break a leg i'll show you how

hello this is jason again and here are some things that if you did you might break every bone in your hole body

1.jump off a cliff then do it again the first one three times
3.get run over by a car then jump off a cliff
5.go sky diving with no parachute

sorry number four did number three

that's all folks

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

the bunny

I have a pet bunny named Chip. He loves to be petted. Here is a picture of him. He's really cute.
He loves to eat any thing that's healthy if it's not good for you not so much. he's cutest
when he grooms himself. chip is sooooo soft. We take the fur that he sheds so we can turn it in to yarn for knitting. the gross part is he poops a lot so we take he's tiny poops and use it for fertilizer. it all works out but it is harder then you think to keep a bunny.

that's all folks hope you learned some thing new about rabbits :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

why we should not drink gatoraid

1. it has about 70g of sugar which if you don't no how bad sugar is for you then go on some website that tells you how bad it is (it can make you fat fast and you don't want to know how hard it is to lose weight (not saying that I'm fat))

2. artificial colors which are bad my mom calls it ink (imagine ink in you drink oh that rhymes)they are really bad for you so don't drink it

that's all folks hope you learned something new! :)
hello this is Jason again hi this post is going to be boring but some fun here are some test that you can never do

"lick you elbow" (you would need a big tongue)

that's all folks (well for right now)


the words!!

this is Jason ashes blog and these are a few words he say for sayings

don't be a chicken and eat your chicken

that's all folks and there will be more